There is so much stigma around periods and training and how the menstrual cycle holds us back from our training. When I speak about cycles I’m not just referring to your 5-7 day period (where you bleed), I am referring to your 28-32 day cycle. Your period is just a small fraction of your cycle, and once I started to educate myself around my own cycle and listening to my body I started to notice a difference in my own training and all round wellness. 

It wasn’t until I was 24 years old that I learnt how important it is for females to be educated about our menstrual cycles and how they can impact female training. I completed one half marathon and two full marathons without taking my cycle into consideration and looking back now it explained a lot about my training. I dreaded it, it was so frustrating and it felt like a chore. One week my pace was quick and I could run any distance with no dramas but then the next week I struggled to even get half the distance at a slower pace. I was uneducated on how to work with my cycle and I was consistently trying to work against it instead of with it.


Me after just running my first marathon, 2018.

Even though I was getting personal bests, I was pushing myself way too hard at the wrong times. I pushed myself to exhaustion and I ended up hating running because I found it so inconsistent, because at the time I didn’t know any better. Since learning more about my own cycle, I educated myself on the different phases and where and when my hormones change. This is so important because it supports your energy levels.

When my hormones are on the rise, during my follicular and ovulation phases I know this is the time in my cycle where I can go for a quicker or longer distance run, or do a high-intensity workout and feel great pre, during and afterwards. 

When I am in the second half of the luteal phase (pre bleed) my hormones are decreasing, which makes that HIIT class or long run a lot harder on my body as it’s working extra hard to keep up. This is my body telling me to pull it back and focus on my strength and flexibility instead. 

As I enter my period, my hormones are at their lowest. I don’t put pressure on myself to move my body through this time because it wants to rest. If I do have energy I do yoga, gentle Pilates or walks. I have learnt to adapt my training to support my hormones. This is where I can see more consistent results. I adapted my training to what my body needs in the moment and I don’t push my body in a negative way that causes burn out.

Each month I am still learning and understanding my cycle, but it is all about listening to my body, consistently educating myself and giving it what it needs at that very moment. I find myself with more energy and wanting to push myself more when I know it is the right time to do so. It supports me mentally too, not blaming myself and getting upset when I wasn't seeing results. Put less pressure on yourself about the word exercise and think about it as movement to support your body. 

This is why I created ANNAMO. I have learnt how important it is for females to move their bodies in different ways and not just one. It is what I am passionate about and I have worked with many of my female clients supporting them and their training. I have experienced the results for myself and for my clients, and this is why I want to share it with you.

I look forward to hearing about your own journey working with your cycle. See you on the mat!

Hannah x


